Cloud Video > News

由于视频提供商和内容所有者希望削减成本, 提高效率, 保持灵活, 他们正在将部分或全部视频工作流程转向云, 从编码和转码到打包, storage, DRM, and more.  Here you’ll find news, reviews, and analysis of the latest in cloud video services and workflows.

为五月的纽约流媒体保留座位吧. Register Now!

在NAB 2024年:视频, Telestream, Phenix, Ateme, V-Nova, Twelve Labs, Norsk, Dolby, and NETINT

Any NAB report is like the story of the blind man and the elephant: what you experience is what you touch, representing a fraction of the whole and perhaps not even a good sample. 话虽如此,这是我在节目中触摸到的东西. Many of these experiences are accompanied by video that I shot of the interviews.

NAB 2024:颠覆性流媒体行业的顶级新技术

Exciting new and (mostly) AI-driven tools and services from NAB 2024 that very specific problems, from shooting great iPhone footage to automatically creating short clips to providing live low-latency translation and captioning to creating customized radio programming to building purpose-driven social communities.

流媒体预览:计算而冷却与Netflix, Adeia, 流媒体绿色化, 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会

On Wednesday, 5月22日在纽约流媒体, Dom Robinson, Founder, 流媒体的绿化和导演id3as/Norsk, will moderate an all-star panel of leading streaming technology providers and innovators to discuss how to make media's tech stack more cost and energy efficient and implement sound and sustainable best practices throughout the media supply chain, Sujana Sooreddy的见解, Netflix的高级首席软件工程师, Serhad Doken, CTO of Adeia, 还有蒂姆·弗瑞-西格林, 帮助我流媒体研究基金会的创始执行董事.

Bitmovin Live Encoder-Akamai Connected Cloud Integration Promises Lower Egress Costs and OpEx Reductions up to 90%

On March 27, Bitmovin announced the availability of its Live Encoder running on Akamai Connected Cloud, promising increased efficiencies for large-scale streams and substantial reductions in data transfer out (DTO) costs that may translate to as much as 90 percent lowered operation costs overall. 


StreamingMedia的团队.com 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会 are getting a jump on spring by releasing the Spring 2024 edition of the State of Streaming survey. This survey is our twice-annual look at the overall streaming industry. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.


流媒体 presented its 13th Connect virtual conference February 19 - 22, 2024, 由媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗担任主持人和主持人. 夏皮罗以充满活力的主题演讲拉开了会议的序幕, digging deep into the Q4 earnings call data to hold the spin doctors accountable and giving an unvarnished view of the industry. 其他亮点还包括迪士尼的达纳·麦格劳的主题演讲, 迪士尼广告, Understanding Audiences: How Disney Advertising Leverages Data Science and Insights to Empower Advertisers, 另外还有几个小组讨论了应用流媒体UX设计等主题, 规模化CTV广告, 衡量FAST的成功, and AI.

CES 2024最佳产品

流媒体's Nadine Krefetz recounts media tech highlights from CES 2024


New survey results show shift in codec, latency, and bandwidth trends


Newest version of twice-annual report expands on "pain points" and growth patterns, 现已提供下载.


Netflix正在视频游戏行业采取重大举措. The streaming powerhouse is using the influence it has gained from recent studio acquisitions to develop a wide range of titles based on popular TV programs and films, along with a focus on higher-end games that are manufactured for seamless streaming on both PCs and TVs. This places Netflix in a unique position as a direct competitor with industry giants like Microsoft and Sony. Executives from BrightLine and Future Today provide their analysis of this development.

Wall Street Declares Netflix is Back - How the Streamer is Thriving Through Diversification, Personalization, 和优化

With Netflix's surprisingly positive Q3 reportings, Wall Street has declared that "Netflix is back.尽管生活成本迅速上升, the streamer has managed to reduce churn and gain new subscribers by cracking down on password sharing, 最近推出了一个广告层, making it easy for users to pause their subscriptions rather than cancel, 并增加更多多样化和个性化的节目选择.

IBC 2023上的AI:基因已经从瓶子里出来了

AI dominates IBC discussion but application remains thin on the ground

IBC 2023报告-派拉蒙,华纳兄弟.漫威高管讨论电影实验室2030年愿景

Adrian Pennington reports from IBC 2023 on a panel of Hollywood CTOs from Paramount, Warner Bros., Marvel, and Universal Pictures focusing on the state of the MovieLabs 2030 Vision, which aims to create a shift from siloed legacy moviemaking workflows to software-based and interoperable cloud workflows.


StreamingMedia的团队.com 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会 are getting a jump on fall by releasing the Autumn 2023 edition of the State of Streaming survey. This survey is our twice-annual look at the overall streaming industry. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.


18个类别的投票已延长至9月30日. 今天就投票吧!



更新:媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗主持, MC, 和适度的流媒体连接虚拟事件, August 22-24

流媒体今天宣布埃文·夏皮罗, self-described "media cartographer" whose incisive data presentation, analysis, and commentary is mapping out the future of the streaming media industry and overall entertainment sector, has signed on as host and MC of the next 流媒体 Connect virtual event, 8月22日至24日.


你最喜欢的流媒体工具、技术或服务是什么? 今年最大的创新是什么? It's time to make your nominations for the only awards in the online video industry that are chosen by end users.

Not So FAST? 2023年春季流媒体调查显示...

New 2023 Spring edition of State of Streaming survey launches, shows shifting focus

NAB 2023: Atomos谈论NDI和幕府连接

Atomos Senior VP Product Paul Scurrell discusses new developments at Atomos including NDI support and the Atomos Shodun Connect in this interview with 流媒体 contributing editor Shawn Lam in the Atomos booth at NAB 2023.